Fitness Old - Maintaining Physical Fitness into Old Age
I feel trapped me in the fitness old cultural myth that aging is a failure if I did he could not stop aging, or even prevent death. What a strange idea! We have some ideas as we age, we are no longer sexy, vital, juicy. Sometimes when I enter a room, I feel as if I was invisible, or worse, a outcast.-Lee LippI am well aware that I am old fitness old. Incidentally, I used to say "old", but now when I am asked in interviews, "How old are you?" I said, "Well, I grew up in China at a time when the age is revered, so I'm 86 years venerable.-Huston Smith
I found that the veneration of the main reasons for my education for the elderly. It is an attitude of respect, attention, patience and fitness old love that makes my teaching rewarding and I hope that some services. During the late 60s, when it was not hip to trust anyone over 30, discarded subtly exquisite value. Fortunately, I quickly learned to appreciate the wisdom and wealth of the previous generation, while at the same time be able to fitness old think for myself.
As a child, I found the elderly to be fascinating, mysterious, and fitness old when not playing sports or at school, I was very happy with her. When I was in elementary school I visited elderly neighbors do not seem to fitness old be the youngest around. One day, I walked by a bit in the doldrums, big house "Mrs. Davenport" trimming the bushes in your front yard. She lived alone and seemed to be a loner. He also had the reputation of being a shrew means, and fear instilled in children, who often play tricks on her fitness old. But this time, he asked me if I wanted to help raise some ornaments in a wheelbarrow, which I did, and casting a suspicious eye on it, recalling some of the children said that it was a bona fide witch.
Aside from his wrinkled face without a smile, I did not find anything sinister in it fitness old. Your comments on plants, flowers, trees, squirrels, rabbits, muskrats, dogs and cats began to fascinate me. She never talked about other people, except to say that a group of "bad guys" had thrown stones at their dogs. When I had finished, he invited me to enjoy freshly baked cookies. It began our friendship fitness old. I started to visit him, walking the long way, knocking on your door and start negotiations on new magical themes for me. I looked at your photo albums and examined their "favorite gadgets." Once I opened a music box painted, inlaid white with black and fitness old orange butterflies - I marveled when the box threw a melody that was so much fun to Mrs. Davenport, his face softened considerably .
Now I worship my older students, with the same ease with happiness to greet my family when they come home from a trip. It is a joy for me to be with older adults, learning and teaching fitness old. I learned that our brains are flexible, we can "stretch" the spirit that we extend our bodies, even as we age. Neuroscientists call the brain's ability to stay in shape, "brain plasticity." The course I teach adult school in convalescent hospitals called "With mental."
In classes with our venerable elders, exercise of the fitness old offer (even simple Tai Chi), music and singing, crafts, academics (history, geography, language arts, mathematics, life skills), puzzles, questions encouraged and fitness old anecdotes answers, video documentaries and educational films. We create an environment where older people can stay mentally active, at any level may be possible as long as possible fitness old.
Various animals come into my fitness old class recovering in hospital palliative care. Of course, some clients do not want to be around all animals, but many do and are very fun and excitement, as if you fitness old had a moment "friend." No judgment about being old. Fur makes many customers feel relaxed in what can be an alienating, colorless environment. A resident of fitness old 93 years is happily interacting with fat kitty, so energizing for her. Pets brighten up the classroom.
Discuss health and fitness old nutrition. We review studies such as those conducted by Dr. Andrew Weil, recommending that seniors are a lot of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries. And fitness old anti-inflammation include vitamin C (found in citrus fruits, beans, oats, enriched pasta, peas, wheat germ, rice bran) and vitamin E (in spinach, sunflower seeds, whole grains, wheat germ) and fitness old omega 3 fatty acids (salmon, flaxseed oil, nuts, supplements that provide these fatty acids). Dr. Weil cites studies by scientists at the University of fitness old Irvine (mice) showing DHA (an omega-3) delays the development of "tangles" of protein in brain cells and also reduces levels of beta - amyloid. (See The Journal of Neuroscience, April 18, 2007)
Research suggests that fitness old doing things such as "trivia" education, learning a language or play a musical instrument can help build brain cells in reserve to combat the lack of mental capacity. So we do a lot of anecdotes and puns, both oral and written fitness old. We encourage stimulate the imagination, mental imagery to associate with the information, using the power of fitness old our attention and memory, still learning and "connect" and "re-connection".
Some nursing homes and fitness old senior programs have computers with programs like "Posit Brain Fitness." Computers provide effective exercises to sharpen the minds of older adults. I did a few sessions during Posit Science Brain Fitness where me and my peers and her fitness old older sister is different exercises to listen more attentively, concentrate and focus, improve our ability to treat information and remember whenever large amounts of information. For example, we can distinguish different sounds, remembering details of fitness old stories. How we live our brain can change when we pay attention, how can we improve the speed with which information is processed and pushed our fitness old ability to communicate more effectively. I made five different exercises: 1. "High or low?" aid sound processing faster, so that the brain can respond more quickly to the floor in a conversation 2. "Tell Us Apart" gives the brain practice distinguishing similar sounds so that you fitness old can better interpret the word, while the storage memory clear 3. "We'll match the price!" Helps the brain remember better, because the brain processes sounds more clearly 4. "Sound Replay" stimulates the brain to remember the information in the order they fitness old are presented, five. "Listen and do" exercises short-term memory, which is essential in cognitive tasks thought.
"From Dakim [m] power" is another program that helps to slow down the degeneration of fitness old memory "word" games "matching" and answer questions multilevel activities are available. "High functioning" to "mild cognitive impairment" and fitness old for those who have "dementia". Seniors can examine the history or geography or watch clips of old movies where they are asked to recall the setting, characters and actions. Some hospitals and senior centers used in the world involving the Internet to find information of fitness old interest, email and chat.
Unfortunately, many of fitness old our students are already suffering from brain-clogging plaque (amyloid) and tangles of protein in advanced Alzheimer's and other dementias that severely limit memory and cognition, and fitness old can manifest as behavioral problems. But even Alzheimer's disease does not exclude the important educational and social interaction, but at a basic level. We reassure, encourage creatively interact, listen, be with, teach and fitness old learn. We have fun and laugh together, even in this progressive decline terribly painfully slow dramatically the situation in mental capacity.
Our students are often confused, disoriented, incoherent, insane, angry, withdrawn, the deteriorating slowly. His words seem to express your thoughts. Some of our students seem to "leave everything." We understand the changing needs and we need to adapt, be sensitive and understanding. It is difficult at times, accept everything. Such students are losing nerve cells are associated with learning, judgment, memory. acetylcholine The chemical that is used by nerve cells to transmit messages is declining dramatically.
One of my students every morning greeted me with a puzzled look and said, "I do not remember what I forgot to remember to say" His daughter visited him in the classroom, but it has. have said that every time she was his daughter. He loved going to school, especially singing and humming old songs, ball games with a softball, listen to stories. However, there were times when she was sitting with a blank expression on his face J. Madeleine Nash wrote. .. "Imagine your brain as a house full of lights Now imagine someone off that which is clearly a" what's disease Alzheimer did not turn off the lights so that the flow of ideas, emotions and memories. room to room and eventually stops decreasing. "(Time Magazine, July 17, 2000) Although we can not stop it process for our students, we make every effort to support, not to shine the lights take care of them.
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