Fitness Horse - Physical Fitness Training For Horses

Fitness horse can make or break the success in a horse show, horse show, or pleasure excursion. Each rider is a coach they know it or not. Whatever sports or disciplines that you love, do you as a personal trainer for your horse can help or hinder the success of your horse.

Design a fitness program for your horse is simple. The attention to detail and slight improvements in your horse training routine will now reap the benefits of the performance of your horse in the future. It is easy to mix fitness with exercises to strengthen confidence-building exercises riding skills or natural reasons riding. Follow the basic rules of increased fitness in your horse and let your creativity!

Before creating your training program, establish the basis for your horse. It is "where you are." Honestly assess your current state-of the horse. A small problem can quickly become a disaster now that you increase the workload of your horse through his conditioning program.

At the same time, significant your riding goals, or "you want to be." Does your horse should be fit enough to mosey along a hike on a sunny Saturday? Or does it need to accelerate through cycle after cycle gymkhana and jackpots? This response will guide you through the mapping of a training program successful fitness.

Horse takes training fitness for you and your horse "where you are" to "where you want to be." I like to think that it is building a house from foundation to roof ... to interior design!

* A healthy horse is your solid foundation. Your horse must be up to date vaccinations, deworming, and hoof trimming or snowshoes. I should be in good flesh (resource condition of Body Scale if you have questions.) Be aware of your current fitness level. This will increase your conditioning program EVERYWHERE.

* Saddlery and equipment are properly adjusted your support walls. You never train to run a marathon in running shoes unsuitable or high heels! Your saddle, bridle and bit your horse must all fit well and be adapted to your sport.

* Horse Training Basics form the roof. Your horse is sensitive? Is it obey? When you create a training program for fitness of your horse, you can think PMclarify acerca communication means and strengthen your relationship with your horse. This includes your ability to drive properly and with compassion. Where can you build your own horse skills?

* Specialist equestrian skills are your interior. September What is your demand for skills in sports you and your horse? If you train your horse for a competitive dressage, the requirements are different if your goal is to "top ten" in an endurance race. When you create your fitness program, give way to training your horse These sport-specific skills.

Kirsten Lee gives extraordinary results for horses and riders!

Join Kirsten "ring" as she helps horses and riders achieve their dreams on his blog training in the real world

Kirsten powers include certification by the American Riding Instructors Association. As a teenager, she realized coast elite "A" USPC in horsemanship, riding and veterinary knowledge. Kirsten teaches and trains on Almost Heaven Horse Source in Wild, Wonderful West Virginia, and freelancers in depth.

The versatility of Kirsten comes through its comprehensive approach combining Natural Horsemanship, classical principles of training, driving techniques centered and biomechanics. If necessary, the use of clicker training further accelerates learning. With this powerful and harmonious fusion, Kirsten is able to identify and solve the problems of training, the adaptation of the solution to the horse and rider alone, regardless of their experience, discipline or learning style.
Three stages of training fitness horse
Race Horses, Eventers and Standardbred should be trained in three distinct stages of the packaging facility. Move to the next step can cause injury and mental stress. The first step should be a work of foreground (trot, canter and gallop) to enhance the mechanical-skeletal system, in the absence of stress management. The second step is the formation of aerobic conditioning and the third step is the formation of the rate for anaerobic conditioning. Endurance horses do not need until they reach competitive level anaerobic conditioning, and it should not be in their first two to three years of competition.

Speed ​​and distance should not increase at the same time take one or the other, not both. In fact, the speed should not be adopted before the third stage of training. In addition, you can increase the effect of training the horse working the afternoon and then the next morning. You can reduce the effect of training by working the horse in the morning one day and then in the afternoon the next day.

If at any time the horse needs to be pushed, cut back on training immediately. Also, if at any time the horse becomes slower than usual in their work, cut back on training time. The horse must be sharp and ready at all times.

If the horse becomes sour, going off their diet and / or weight loss, the trainer should incorporate more rest days in training. This is the case in one of three stages of training. Before the competition, the horse must be tapered, this is reduced to work should be the last week before the horse competition. Be sure to reduce the grain accordingly.

To be successful in the competition, you do not need to use drugs, just to get fit horse, keep the sound of horses and feed the horse properly. Remember the three stages of training and do not take the next step too quickly. Taking the time will pay off.

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