How Can You Lose Weight Without Pills?

The search for weight loss has led some to resort to unhealthy alternatives such as pills, surgery and hunger. Although sometimes these works, they ruin the body's immune system. And finally, the weight loss becomes faster than you can imagine.

Losing weight is a mind game

If you want to lose weight, you need to get the role of a thinker. Losing weight is not just about working in the gym, a balanced diet, or starve to not eat "sin" food. This is a scientific approach that should help you understand your body and develop the right plan, as it works for you.

Google "weight loss plans for women," the phrase keywords and you will be surprised to see more than 98.3 million results! Is it possible that you feel like a Guinea pig and experiment with the millions of ways to lose weight?

Let's talk about "real" ways to lose weight effectively. And methods or hurt your body or your pocket.

Read Your Body

Before going on a workout and diet to lose weight workout, you need to understand their genetics. For example, it makes no sense for a person with a persistent knee pain when running or jogging for hours. Is not it?

Weight loss is not an overnight adventure. Eventually, he plans to experiment with different workouts and diet. Accept what works for you and not rejected.

Do not compare

"ABC method worked on my friend, why not work for me?" This approach will get you nowhere. Two people stay with the same diet, according to the same exercise routine and sleep for the same hours, always give different results.

Progressive Overload

This is by far the most effective way to lose weight principle. What this means is that you gradually build resistance to other repetitions of an exercise, or spend more time working. For example, you can start with a brisk walk for 20 minutes for 2 days, then 30 minutes to 2 days, then 40 minutes and so on. Alternatively, you can increase the intensity (keeping the same duration).

In this way, your body will always be "shock", thus avoiding the "trays".


Although it may seem repetitive and boring, "motivation" plays an important role in achieving your goals. If you do not stay motivated, gradually losing ground. One way to make it work is to listen to music while exercising. Throughout the duration of your weight loss program, you can see videos of people who have worked hard to change your physique.

You can also read articles related to health and the ability to stay motivated and learn new things.

There are several other ways to lose weight. We will discuss more about exercises to lose weight, diets, calorie counter, and other related topics in future articles.

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